Getting My Foot Fixed

4 Points to Know About Plantar Fascittis

Plantar fasciitis is a condition that causes a great amount of pain in your heel that can make it almost impossible to walk. Understanding some relatively unknown facts and misunderstandings about plantar fasciitis can help you know your condition that much better.

Surprisingly Little is Known About its Causes

Plantar fasciitis is one of the most common of all foot problems, but podiatrists actually know very little about its actual causes. While they know it is an irritation of the foot tissue called the "plantar fascia," they aren't exactly sure what causes it.

The original theory was that it was caused by chronic inflammation, which was in turn caused by repetitive foot impact against the ground. However, when they actually studied fascia tissue in people with plantar fasciitis, they found almost no incident of inflammation.

As a result, science is now a bit baffled by the condition and is considering changing its name because the suffix "-itis" refers to conditions caused by inflammation.

Commonly Misdiagnosed

Since plantar fasciitis is such a common problem that it often gets diagnosed when other conditions are present. For example, tarsal tunnel syndrome (similar to "carpal tunnel syndrome") is a series of pinched nerves that leads to symptoms very similar to plantar fasciitis. Other common foot problems that cause plantar fasciitis symptoms include talsar dome fractures, ankle sprains, and ankle fractures.

May Lead to Back Pain

Once plantar fasciitis develops, it can often begin spreading pain up to the point where it actually creates lower back pain. This is caused by what can be considered a domino-like effect that begins when your heel can't offer you proper support. That lack of support can cause pain in your ankle, which spreads to your calf, your thigh, and potentially your back.

Has Many Treatment Options

Plantar fasciitis can be treated by a wide variety of methods. Often, ibuprofen or naproxen medicines can help alleviate most of the acuteness of the pain of the problem. Physical therapy procedures, such as stretching, night splints, heel cups, and cushions have also been shown to help.

Chronic instances of plantar fasciitis use more severe corrective procedures, such as surgery to remove the plantar fascia, steroid shots, and extracorporeal shock therapy. The latter treatment is literally sound waves shot at the foot. While it can cause some bruises and swelling, it may be effective for more chronic pain.

Now that you understand plantar fasciitis a bit more fully, you can have better discussions with podiatrists through clinics like Collier Podiatry PA. This can lead to quicker diagnosis, more accurate treatment, and a fuller, more satisfying recovery.
