Getting My Foot Fixed

4 Recovery Tips To Keep In Mind When Undergoing Foot Surgery

Undergoing foot surgery can be a painful procedure that requires an extended recovery time. When foot surgery is done correctly though, and the recovery period is respected, the results can be very restorative to your overall health. Here are a few basic guidelines to keep in mind that will help the recovery process go smoothly and decrease the likelihood of complications arising during the recovery process.

#1 Really Take Time To Rest

It can be tempting to take the minimum amount of required rest time after having foot surgery because you want to get back to living your life. However, if you want to enjoy a higher quality of life in the long-term, it is worth it to sit on the sidelines for a few days and really allow your body to heal. 

Take the maximum amount of time off from work and responsibilities that your doctor recommends. It is better to give your body more time to heal than less. Before you go in for surgery, arrange for assistance during those vital first post-operation days. 

If you have family and friends that live nearby, or live with a partner or family, set up a schedule so that you always know who will be on hand to assist you. If you have personal responsibilities that have to be taken care of, such as taking care of pets, see if someone will come to your house and take care of your pets. 

If you don't have lots of family and friends nearby to help out, arrange for outside assistance to fill in the gaps. Board your pets for a few days so you don't have to take care of them. Hire a landscaping company or a neighbor to take care of your yard and garden. Make sure that you reduce your responsibilities, especially because you are generally supposed to put no weight on your foot following your surgery.

#2 Elevate Your Foot

If your doctor instructed you to not put any weight on your foot, make sure that you follow their directions. That also means that you need to pay attention to how you place your foot when you are sitting down. You should not allow your foot to just dangle off a chair. Instead, you should have your foot propped up so that your foot and leg muscles really don't have to do any work at all. Elevate your foot on the couch or with a stool if you are sitting in a chair. Additionally, place a pill under your heel to really take the pressure off your foot.

#3 Ice Correctly

If your doctor instructed you to ice your foot or any part of your leg after your surgery, make sure that you are icing it correctly. You should never put ice directly against your skin, as it can damage your skin cells. 

Instead, you should place ice inside of a bag, and then wrap that bag with a towel. This will allow the coldness to come through without damaging your skin. Additionally, if possible, you should use crushed ice instead of ice cubes. Crushed ice adjusts to the contours of your body and more effectively cools your body; ice cubes don't provide the same type of coverage. 

Be sure to follow the time constraints that your doctor recommends for icing. Do not ice longer than your doctor recommends; your doctor knows what they are doing. 

#4 Use Assistance Aids

If your doctor provided you with crutches, a knee walker or a seated scooter to take the weight off as your body heals, make sure that you use these aids for as long as possible. These aids will allow your body to heal. If you are not sure how to use these aids properly, ask your doctor how to demonstrate how to use them before you go in for surgery. 

Make sure that you discuss with your doctor everything you need to do to recover successfully from foot surgery before you undergo the operation so you can prepare effectively for your recovery period. Give yourself as much time as possible to heal, and always use any aids that your doctor suggests to assist in your recovery process. 

To learn more, contact a podiatrist like Plaza Podiatry
